When you shop on Amazon, you’re likely to see a list of items that have been bought and shipped. This list can be sorted by date, price, or by Amazon’s own categorization of the items. To view your order history on Amazon, open the Amazon website and click on the Orders tab. This will show all of your past orders, as well as any new orders that have been placed since you last viewed your order history. To search for an item in your order history, use the following search terms: or “item number.” For example, if you wanted to find out what book was ordered for your daughter’s birthday party this year, you could use the term “book number” to search for that information. If you’ve ever had trouble finding an item in your order history because it wasn’t included in any of your past orders or because it was sold out at a later time, don’t worry! You can always try ordering it again and checking back later when it’s available.

Just above your list of previous orders, you’ll see a search box. Enter your search terms in this box and click Search Orders.

Your search results will appear in a list below the search box.

On each result, you’ll find links to buy the product again, write a review, archive your order, and even get support for the product if it’s available.