In this article, we will discuss how to set up RBAC in Kubernetes. RBAC is a feature of Kubernetes that allows you to manage your objects and their permissions. RBAC is a great way to protect your data and ensure that only the correct people have access to it. RBAC can be used in both the cluster level and individual object levels. In the cluster level, RBAC can be used to manage objects by assigning them roles and permissions. In individual object levels, RBAC can be used to manage objects by assigning them specific permissions and roles. To set up RBAC in Kubernetes, you first need to create a new namespace and add an object into it. Once the object has been added, you can start setting up RBAC for it using the following steps:

  1. Create a new namespace called “my-rbac- namespace” and add an object into it: kubectl create -n my-rbac- namespace -f my-rbac- ruleset
  2. Set up the required permissions for your new namespace: kubectl get nodes -n my-rbac- namespace -o perms= “rwx rwx”
  3. Set up the required resources for your new namespace: kubectl get resources -n my-rbac- namespace
  4. Start setting up RBAC for your new object: kubectl apply -f my-rbac- ruleset -n my-rbac- namespace

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a mechanism for defining the actions that user accounts can perform within your Kubernetes cluster. Enabling RBAC reduces the risk associated with credential theft and account takeover. Issuing each user with the minimum set of permissions they require prevents accounts from becoming over privileged.

Most popular Kubernetes distributions start with a single user account that’s granted superuser access to the cluster. Authenticating as this account lets you perform any action but can pose a substantial security risk.

In this article, we’ll show how to enable and configure the Kubernetes RBAC API so you can precisely define user capabilities. it’s common for some users to only create and list Pods while administrators get to delete items too. You can set up and enforce these policies using the RBAC system.

Enabling RBAC in Kubernetes

RBAC is an optional Kubernetes feature but most major distributions ship with it turned on by default, including those from managed cloud providers. You can check whether RBAC’s available in your cluster by running the following command with Kubectl:

The command should emit as its output if RBAC is enabled. RBAC is turned off if the command doesn’t produce any output. You can activate it by starting the Kubernetes API server with the –authorization-mode=RBAC flag:

Refer to the documentation for your Kubernetes distribution if you’re unsure how to customize the API server’s startup arguments.

Kubernetes RBAC Objects

The Kubernetes RBAC implementation revolves around four different object types. You can manage these objects using Kubectl, similarly to other Kubernetes resources like Pods, Deployments, and ConfigMaps.

Role – A role is a set of access control rules that define actions which users can perform. RoleBinding – A “binding” is a link between a role and one or more subjects, which can be users or service accounts. The binding permits the subjects to perform any of the actions included in the targeted role.

Roles and RoleBindings are namespaced objects. They must exist within a particular namespace and they control access to other objects within it. RBAC is applied to cluster-level resources – such as Nodes and Namespaces themselves – using ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings. These work similarly to Roles and RoleBindings but target non-namespaced objects.

Creating a Service Account

A Kubernetes service account is a kind of user that’s managed by the Kubernetes API. Each service account has a unique token that’s used as its credentials. You can’t add normal users via the Kubernetes API so we’ll use a service account for this tutorial.

Use Kubectl to create a new service account:

This produces a new account called demo. Next you need to retrieve the token that you’ll use to authenticate as this account. First find the name of the secret that stores the token:

This service account’s token is stored in the secret called demo-token-w543b. You can retrieve the token by getting the secret’s value with this command:

The token’s now stored in the TOKEN variable in your shell. You can use this variable to add a new Kubectl context that will let you authenticate as your service account:

You should change the value of the –cluster flag to match the name of your active Kubectl cluster connection. This is usually default or the name of your currently selected context. You can check the selected context by running kubectl config current-context.

Switch to your new context to authenticate as your demo service account. Note down the name of your currently selected context first, so you can switch back to your superuser account later on.

Kubectl commands will now authenticate as the demo service account. Try to retrieve the list of Pods in your cluster:

The operation has been forbidden because the demo service account lacks a role that lets it access Pods.

Adding a Role

Roles are created in the same way as any other Kubernetes object. You write a YAML file that defines the role and the permissions it provides. Each role contains one or more rules that permit specific actions to be performed against a set of resources. Here’s a simple role that allows a user to retrieve details of existing Pods:

The get and list verbs applied to the pods resource means you’ll be able to run commands like get pod and describe pod. Trying to create a new Pod, or delete an existing one, will be forbidden because the create and delete verbs are omitted from the role.

Switch back to your original Kubectl context so you can add the role to your cluster using your administrative account:

Now add the role:

Binding Roles to Users and Service Accounts

Now you can associate your role with your demo service account by creating a new RoleBinding. Create the following YAML file to define your binding:

RoleBindings need to include one or more subjects that identify the users and service accounts targeted by the binding. The roleRef field refers to the role you want to assign to each of those users.

The Role and RoleBinding must exist in the same namespace. Use a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding instead for non-namespaced resources.

Next run kubectl apply to add the RoleBinding to your cluster. It will take effect immediately, granting the demo service account the capabilities declared in the demo-role Role:

Testing Your RBAC Rule

Test your simple RBAC implementation by switching back to the new Kubectl context you created for the demo account:

Now repeat the get pods command from earlier:

This time the command has succeeded. The demo service account is now permitted to retrieve Pod lists because it’s bound to the demo-role Role. You’ll still see a Forbidden error if you try to create a new Pod because that operation’s not included in any role bound to the account:

You can resolve this by assigning the user another role that includes the create verb for the pods resource. Alternatively, you can edit your existing role’s YAML file and apply the modified version to your cluster:

You can also add additional rules to your role to create different combinations of resource groups and permitted actions.


RBAC allows you to define the software capabilities available to individual user accounts. The Kubernetes RBAC system provides highly precise controls for limiting the types of resource that accounts can access, and the actions they’re allowed to perform.

Adopting RBAC tightens the security around your cluster and creates a less risky operating environment. However you still need to keep best practices in mind to avoid introducing new problems. You should regularly audit your cluster to identify over-privileged accounts and clean up redundant roles. This will help prevent confusion and allow you to get a clear picture of the actions that can be taken by each account.

Effective RBAC implementations should be based on the smallest possible number of roles, with each role having the minimum set of actions needed for its specific area of functionality. Assigning too many privileges to each account negates the benefits of RBAC so it’s worth taking time to plan each user’s requirements before you start creating roles and bindings.