Steam is a digital distribution platform for video games. It allows gamers to purchase and play games online. Steam also offers a variety of services, such as the ability to buy games and mods, watch videos, and join communities. To see how much money you’ve spent on Steam games, you can use the Steam Games Spending Survey. This survey is available every month and it asks users how much they spent on different types of games on Steam. You can find the survey here. The survey has several questions that are important to answer. For example, you can answer whether you bought a game or mod on Steam, how often you play a game, what type of game you played last time (PC or console), and what type of hardware (PC or console) you used to play the game. The survey also asks about your spending habits over time. For example, do you spend more time playing one game than another? Do you spend more time playing new games or old ones? Do you spend more time playing PC or console versions of the same game? The survey is important because it can help us understand how people use Steam and help us make better decisions about what games to purchase and play on Steam.

Third-party tools like SteamDB will “estimate” the value of your Steam account based on how much the games you own are currently being sold for. We’re not using those tools here. Instead, we’ll show you how to see exactly how much money you’ve spent on Steam—down to the cent—without any third-party tools.

To find this information, open Steam and click Help > Steam Support.

Click “My Account” on the Steam Support page.

Click “Data Related to Your Steam Account” at the bottom of the page.

Click “External Funds Used” in the list here.

You’ll see three numbers here:

“TotalSpend” is the total amount of money you’ve spent on this Steam account. This is the number you’re looking for. “OldSpend” is the amount of money you’ve spent before April 17, 2015. (This was the date “Limited User Account” restrictions for people who haven’t spent at least $5 on Steam went into place. ) “PWSpend” is the amount of money you’ve spent on a Perfect World account, according to IGN. Perfect World Entertainment is a Chinese online gaming company that operates Dota 2 and CS:GO in China.

By the way, you can also access this page directly by heading to in your browser and signing in with your Steam account.

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