Chrome is a great browser and it has a lot of features. One of the features that you can use is the bookmarking feature. You can add bookmarks to your webpages and then when you want to refer to them, you can click on the bookmark and it will take you to the page where you left off. Chrome also has a toolbar at the top of the screen that you can use to add bookmarks, open tabs, and more. There are a few ways that you can reduce the number of bookmarks that Chrome has by default. One way is to set Chrome to only save bookmarks in your local storage area. This will make it so that Chrome won’t store any bookmarks anywhere else on your computer. Another way is to set Chrome to only save bookmarks if they are associated with a specific website or application. This will make it so that Chrome won’t save any bookmarks for anything else on your computer unless they are associated with a specific website or application. If you want more control over how Chrome savesbookmarks, then you can set chrome://flags/to-save-bookmark-only to true in chrome://settings. You can also set chrome://flags/enable-local-storage-for-bookmarking-to true if you want Chromebooks to store all their bookmarks in their local storage area instead of in Google Drive or elsewhere on your computer.

Note: You may or may not wish to do some reorganizing with your bookmarks before-hand.

Condensing the Bookmarks

If your browser is anything like ours then it has not taken long to fill up your Bookmarks Toolbar. Accessing the drop-down section often throughout the day is not too fun.

The bookmarks are the easiest part of your collection to condense. Right-click on each bookmark and select “Edit…” to open the Edit Bookmark Window.

Delete the text, click OK, and you are finished.

You still have a useable bookmark that looks nice and takes up very little room.

These are our bookmarks from the first screenshot above…no problems with accessing all of them now. With just a few minutes work you can have a beautiful and compact Bookmarks Toolbar.

If you have been looking for a more efficient and compact Bookmarks Toolbar in Chrome, then this little hack will certainly be useful for you.