Snapchat is a messaging app that allows users to share short stories with one another. The app has been used by people for years to communicate and share photos and videos. There are a few things you need in order to make a Snapchat story successful. First, you need to create a username and password for your account. You can also create a story using the provided tools. Second, you need to find someone who is interested in your story and send them the link to your story. You can also use the app’s search function to find other people who have similar stories or want to share theirs. Third, make sure that your story is interesting and engaging. You should make sure that it is well-written, funny, and relevant to the topic at hand. Finally, be sure that you are following all of the Snapchat rules in order to be successful with this messaging app.

How Snapchat’s Private Story Works

In a Snapchat Private Story, only you can add Snaps. Also, only the friends you select can view these Stories. Your non-selected friends won’t even know you have created a Private Story.

Your friends will see your Private Stories mixed in with your My Stories. However, on an Android device, Private Stories and My Stories may appear separately.

RELATED: How to Allow Only Friends to Contact You in Snapchat

How to Create a Private Story on Snapchat

To create your first-ever Snapchat Private Story, launch the Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android phone. At the top-left corner of the app, tap your profile icon.

On your profile page, next to “My Stories,” tap “Private Story.”

You’ll see a “New Private Story” screen. Here, select the friends who can view your Story. Then, at the bottom of this screen, tap “Create Story.”

You’ll now see a “Rename Story” prompt. In this prompt, tap the text field and type a name for your Story. Then tap “Save.”

Snapchat will bring you back to your profile screen. Your Private Story is now created and you can now start adding content to it. To do so, in the “My Stories” section on your profile page, tap your newly created Private Story.

Snapchat will open your phone’s camera allowing you to capture content and add it to your Private Story.

To add a photo or video from your phone’s gallery to your Private Story, check out our guide on how to do that.

If you’d like to delete your Private Story, then access your profile page in Snapchat. Next to your Private Story, tap the three dots. Select “Delete Story” from the three-dots menu.

In the prompt that opens, tap “Delete” and your Private Story is deleted.

And that’s how you make Snapchat Stories that only your select few friends can see!

Snapchat offers various options to help you manage your Stories, like the option to block people from viewing your Stories. This is pretty useful if you don’t want someone to be able to access your Story contents.

RELATED: How to Block Certain People from Your Snapchat Story