Pokémon GO’s new appraisal system is a great way to learn about your Pokémon’s IVs. Here’s how to use it. First, open the Pokémon GO app and select your character. If you have more than one Pokémon in your party, you will see a list of them on the left side of the screen. On the right side of the screen, you will see your Pokémon’s stats and IVs. The first number is your Pokémon’s HP (hit points). The second number is its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense. The third number is your Pokémon’s Speed. The fourth number is its Stamina (how long it can stay active before fainting). The fifth number is your Pokémon’s Evasion (how often it will avoid being hit by an attack). The next step is to calculate your Pokémon’s IVs. To do this, you need to know three things: 1) what type of stat each stat corresponds to; 2) what value ranges each stat falls within; and 3) how many points each stat gets when it reaches that value range. Here are examples: Attack = Physical Attack Strength = 0-31 | 32-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70+ Defense = Physical Defense Agility = 0-31 | 32-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70+ Special Attack = Special Attack Power x 1.5 x Accuracy x Luck x Critical Hit Rate x Critical Hit Damage x Accuracy x Luckx Critical Hit Damage (if applicable) x Accuracy (if applicable) Special Defense = Special Defense Power x 1.5 x Evasion Rating x Luck x Critical Hit Rate x Critical Hit Damage (if applicable)x Evasion Rating ..

If you play Pokémon GO, then you of course want the best possible Pokémon you can get. The thing is, knowing how good an individual Pokémon is goes far beyond just looking at its CP and move set. Each Pokémon has its own IVs—Individual Values—that define how it will actually perform in battle.

Individual Values are actually broken down into three categories: attack, defense, and stamina (HP), with each category getting a numerical value from zero to fifteen. Knowing your Pokémon’s strength(s) can help you better gauge how to use it. For example, a Vaporeon with high attack is better for taking over gyms, where a Vileplume with high defense would be used for guarding that gym. Strategy is important here!

Until now, there wasn’t a clear way to know your Pokémon’s exact values. While IV calculators are nothing new, Pokémon GO’s new appraisal system actually allows players to calculate their Pokémon’s exact IVs instead of just looking at a handful of possible outcomes and hoping for the best. This will let you know whether a Pokémon is better at attacking, defending, or can outlast its opponents—or if it’s not worth using at all.

Collectively, these IVs can be used to gauge your Pokémon’s “perfection” from zero to one hundred percent. This percentage is calculated by adding together the three values, then dividing by 45. For example, if you have a Blastoise with IVs of 15-13-11 (attack-defense-stamina), its perfection percentage is 86.7%. 15+13+11 = 39, and 39/45 = .866. Obviously, a 15-15-15 Pokémon is 100 percent perfect, and thus the best you can get.

Before we get into how to use an IV calculator, however, let’s first talk about Pokémon GO’s new appraisal system. This tool actually summons your team leader—Blanche for Mystic, Candela for Valor, or Spark for Instinct—and asks them to “rate” your Pokémon. But here’s the thing: what they actually say provides clues to how good your Pokémon is, and you can combine these statements with an IV calculator to find your Pokémon’s exact values and perfection percentage. Here’s a quick breakdown of each team leader’s statements and what they actually mean for your Pokémon :

Blanche: Team Mystic

Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokémon!: 82.
2% (37/45) – 100% (45/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] has certainly caught my attention.
66. 7% (30/45) – 80% (36/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is above average.
51. 1% (23/45) – 64. 4% (29/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is not likely to make much headway in battle.
0% (0/45) – 48. 9% (22/45)

After this initial analysis, she’ll tell you its strongest attribute: Attack, HP, or Defense. If two or all three of its stats are equal, she’ll mention that, too. For example:

I see that its best attribute is Attack/Defense/HP. It is matched equally by its Attack/Defense/HP.

Finding out what that value is comes next. Here’s the breakdown:

Its stats exceed my calculations.
It’s incredible!: Your Pokémon has perfect IVs in the above-mentioned stat categories.
I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say.
Your Pokémon has IVs of 13-14 in the above-mentioned stat categories. Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive.
Your Pokémon has IVs of 8-12 in the above-mentioned stat categories. Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion.
Your Pokémon has IVs of 0-7 in the above-mentioned stat categories.

After this, she’ll tell you the Pokémon’s overall size and end the conversation.

Candela: Team Valor

Overall, your [Pokémon Name] simply amazes me.
It can accomplish anything!: 82.
2% (37/45) – 100% (45/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is a strong Pokémon .
You should be proud!: 66.
7% (30/45) – 80% (36/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is a decent Pokémon.
51. 1% (23/45) – 64. 4% (29/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!: 0% (0/45) – 48. 9% (22/45)

After this initial analysis, she’ll tell you its strongest attribute: Attack, HP, or Defense. If two or all three of its stats are equal, she’ll mention that, too. For example:

Its Attack/Defense/HP is its strongest feature. I’m just as impressed with its Attack/Defense/HP.

Finding out what that value is comes next. Here’s the breakdown:

I’m blown away by its stats.
WOW!: Your Pokémon has perfect IVs in the above-mentioned stat categories.
It’s got excellent stat! How exciting!: Your Pokémon has IVs of 13-14 in the above-mentioned stat categories.
Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done.
Your Pokémon has IVs of 8-12 in the above-mentioned stat categories. Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle.
Your Pokémon has IVs of 0-7 in the above-mentioned stat categories.

After this, she’ll tell you the Pokémon’s overall size and end the conversation.

Spark: Team Instinct

Overall, your [Pokémon Name] looks like it can really battle with the best of them!: 82.
2% (37/45) – 100% (45/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is really strong!: 66.
7% (30/45) — 80% (36/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] is pretty decent!.
51. 1% (23/45) – 64. 4% (29/45) Overall, your [Pokémon Name] has room for improvement as far as battling goes.
0% (0/45) – 48. 9% (22/45)

After this initial analysis, he’ll tell you its strongest attribute: Attack, HP, or Defense. If two or all three of its stats are equal, he’ll mention that, too. For example:

Its best quality is its Attack/Defense/HP. Its Attack/Defense/HP is great, too!

Finding out what that value is comes next. Here’s the breakdown:

Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it!: Your Pokémon has perfect IVs in the above-mentioned stat categories.
Its stats are really strong! Impressive.
Your Pokémon has IVs of 13-14 in the above-mentioned stat categories. Its definitely got some good stats. Definitely!: Your Pokémon has IVs of 8-12 in the above-mentioned stat categories. Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see. Your Pokémon has IVs of 0-7 in the above-mentioned stat categories.

After this, he’ll tell you the Pokémon’s overall size and end the conversation.

Using the IV Calculator

With all that info in mind, you can now move to the IV calculator. I personally use Poké Assistant’s IV calculator, as its simple and straightforward. On Poké Assistant, you’ll plug in your Pokémon’s info: name, CP, HP, Dust cost (for powering up), and whether or not its been powered up. You can also tick the box for whatever your team leader says your Pokémon’s best quality is to help refine the results.

In this example, we’ll be using my strongest Vaporeon, named “Abraham” because he reminds me of Abe from Hellboy. I also have a Flareon named Hellboy, but he’s…not very good.

I digress. Let’s do this thing.

In her assessment, Candela (Team Valor for life!) says the following:

“Overall, your Abraham simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything! Its Attack is its strongest feature. I’m just as impressed with its Defense. I’m blow away by its stats. WOW!”



This basically tells me that Abraham has a perfection percentage of 82.2% – 100%, and his Attack and Defense are both 15. Back over on Poke Assistant, I plug all of his info into the calculator, then tick the Att and Def boxes (since Candela mentioned both), and viola! I can see that he’s a level 19, with an Attack of 15, Defense of 15, and Stamina of 10, for a total of 88.9% perfection. I’ll take it!

Okay, another example. This time we’ll use Hellboy, and I’ll show you just how not good he is. In Candela’s assessment, she tells me the following:

“Overall, your Hellboy is a strong Pokémon. You should be proud! Its Attack is its strongest feature. I’m blown away by its stats. WOW!”



So what does that tell me? That his perfection range is from 66.7% – 80%, and Attack stat is 15. Further logic lets me know that its other two stats probably aren’t very good—at least one of them is going to be quite low. To find out the exact numbers, we’ll plug it on on the IV calculator.

By entering in all of its info and ticking the “Att” box, I now know that he’s a level 19, with an Attack of 15, Defense of 13, and Stamina of 2, giving him a perfection percentage of 66.7%. So, while he may not be very good overall, he does have strong attack and decent defense. That means I know I’ll be able to use him in battle, but he’ll faint easier than other Pokémon. And I definitely won’t want to put him on a gym, because his low stamina won’t last long.

One of the most important things to note here is how to know if you have a 100% Pokemon, which is what everyone really wants, whether they realize it or not. Here is the key:

Your team leader gives the 82% — 100% statement, and… Tells you that all three stats are its strong points (Attack, Defense, HP), and… Gives the “perfect IV” statement (indicated above for each team leader)

With those three combined, you can deduce that your Pokemon is 100% because all three stats are equal (indicated by the mention of all three by your team leader), and the “perfect IV” statement automatically means that the mentioned stats are 15. 15 + 15 + 15 = 45/45 = 1.00. One hundred percent, baby.

Now, go forth and find your perfect Pokemon!

By memorizing your team leader’s phrases, you’ll quickly be able to gauge a Pokémon’s general perfection right after you catch it. This will make it so much easier to know what to evolve or power up, as well as where to use your Pokémon (in battle, gym defending, etc.). The appraisal system is a great step in the right direction to help players come up with the best possibly strategy for not only taking gyms down, but also defending them. Combined with an IV calculator, you can now find out everything there is to know about your Pokémon!

P.S.: Bonus points if you can tell me what type of Pokémon I named “CorpseFlower,” as seen in the lead image of this post.